How to Fix the Most Common ps5 Errors Codes


The PlayStation 5 is the latest gaming console from Sony. While this is generally a very robust machine, it can throw out errors from time to time. Many of these problems have a quick solution. Thus the reason for bringing you today quick fixes for the most common of PS5 error code.

In today’s rundown, we will go through the most common errors thrown out by the console. How to detect the errors and possible solutions.

The PS5 error code solutions are also a good way to check your whole system in general. This can range from making sure all your discs are sparklingly clean, to a solid Internet connection.

How Do You Fix Playstation Error Codes?

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Image Credit: Unsplash

The fix for a PlayStation error code depends on the particular message. An error can occur from a bad network connection to in rare cases a software reinstall or console replacement. Each error code points to a specific problem, which will need its own method and steps to fix.

Each PlayStation error needs its own steps to solve the problem. The error codes listed below are the most likely ones you will encounter, with step-by-step solutions.

How do I fix Error Code WS-116522-7?

Error code WS-116522-7 may pop-up if the software for the system has not updated correctly. There are three possible routes for updating this error which include updates from the Internet, via USB storage device, or with a games disc.

For updating via the Internet, simply restart your PlayStation 5, hard wire connect to the Internet, and restart your router with a five-minute delay.

You can also update via a USB storage device, making sure the file name and location are the same as on the system. If you wish to update via a game disc, make sure the disc is clean and free from scratches.

How Do I Get Rid of Error Code CE 34878 0?

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Image Credit: Unsplash

If you have experienced Error code CE 34878 0, it generally occurs when a game has crashed. In most cases simply switching the PlayStation 5 on and off again will solve the problem.

If the problem continues, make sure you have the latest system software installed, along with any game updates. After this procedure, restart your PS5. You may also have to go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Initialisation’ > ‘Initialise PS5’ if the error continues. If you have changed hard drives recently, you may have to reinstall the original drive.

Fix PS 5 Error Code WS-116420-4 to WV-109144-9

PS5 console error codes which include WS-116420-4, NW-102650-4, CE-113212-0, CE-105799-1, and WV-109144-9 occur when the console cannot connect to the server. Firstly, check the PS5 can connect to the server via the console. The server may be down for maintenance, which you can check via the PSN network status page.

For wireless connections move the console as near to the router as possible. Turn the route off for 5 minutes to reinitialise. Also, make sure the route is fully updated with firmware.

Opening different ports on your router from TCP: 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480 can be done with help from your local ISP. A static IP address can also be set up. DNS settings can also be changed in ‘Network Settings’ to public DNS service.

Fixing Error Code CE-107520-5

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Image Credit: Unsplash

The latest version of the system software will need installing for this error code. Make sure your PS5 is connected to the Internet, then update to the latest system software. If the update experiences an error, restart your console and router, wait 5 minutes then try again.

As above, the update can also be performed by a USB drive or via a disc. For newer software, you will be prompted through the update process.

Fixing PS5 Error Codes WS-116439-4, NP-103117-3, NP-103109-4

Errors WS-116439-4, NP-103117-3 to NP-103109-4 occur when the server is under maintenance or failed to connect. Simply restart Internet connection settings, then run the Internet connection test. Restart the router, and if there is still no connection, the PlayStation network may be experiencing unusually high traffic.

Fixing PS5 Error Code Code CE-117722-0

When the error code CE-117722-0 is displayed, the PlayStation now streaming service may be at fault. Firstly, test that your connection is able to stream games. This can be done by the Internet connection test via PS Now.

Hardwire your console to the Internet and check for a solid connection. Follow the usual procedure of switching your router off for 5 minutes then back on. Also, make sure your router is updated with the latest firmware.

PlayStation 5 Error Codes WV-109145-0, WV-109166-3

As you have guessed by now, many error codes occur from bad Internet connections. WV-109145-0 and WV-109166-3 can be fixed by checking your Internet connection to the console. Check the router is working and fully functional. Update the router with the latest firmware, and if all else fails, set up a static IP address or change the DNS settings in network settings.

Fixing PS5 Error Codes NW-102307-3, NW-102308-4, NW-102315-2

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Image Credit: Unsplash

NW-102307-3, NW-102308-4, NW-102315-2 pops up when there is a communication error with the PlayStation network. Make sure the PSN network status page is not down for maintenance. Restart the PlayStation 5, which can be done in safe mode to a hard-wired Net connection. Reinitialise the router, update with the latest firmware, and if needed setup a static IP address in your network settings.

The network may also be busy in the short term. In this case, simply wait 15 minutes to try the system once again.

The error codes and fixes below apply to both the PS4 and PS5.

How Do I Fix Error WC 40371 5?

You may experience error code WC 40371 5 ‘the voucher code you entered is not valid.’ A simple fix is re-entering the code. It’s also worth checking if the code is still valid or has been activated. Other possibilities include the PSN account doesn’t match the region of the voucher or the conditions.

If you have entered the code correctly, the date is valid and there are no further restrictions. Contact the vendor or the person you receive the code from, then customer services.

How To Fix PS5 Error CE-107938-8?

PS5 error code CE 107938-8 shows up when installing an update to a potentially corrupt game. This error code occurs when accessing online modes or content. Step one is to delete and reinstall the game. You will also have to wipe all DLC, game add-ons, but not game saves.

If you continually experience the messages of ‘something went wrong’ or something is ‘wrong with this game,’ follow the steps above.

What does Error Code CE 36329 3 mean?

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Image Credit: Unsplash

When a game malfunctions and reverts back to the main menu, there may be a system software fail. CE 36329 3 is fixed by restarting the console after a few minutes. If the problem continues, reinstall the firmware on the console. Also check in ‘System Software Updates’ for the latest PS5 updates.

It’s also worth checking that a game has all the latest updates before continuing. More drastic action can include reinstalling an original hard drive or re-initialising the console. If the error is continuous, backup all your data then navigate to, ‘Settings,’ > ‘initialisation’ > ‘initialise PS5.’ If these steps do not work, then contact PlayStation Support for further help.

How Do I Fix Error NP 36006 5?

Sometimes you may see the PS5 error NP 36006 5 with ‘Your trophy data may be corrupt.’ In this case, use a USB storage device to backup all data. The ‘local user’ will also need deleting and another one created.

With the message ‘something went wrong’ try restarting the console in safe mode, with option 6. If this doesn’t solve the problem, then use safe mode option 7.

Error Code CE-108255 1

PS5 CE-108255 1 or ‘something went wrong with this game or app’ can happen with one or many games. This error will need a call to the PlayStation customer services department if the problem persists.

Sadly, there is no easy fix to this error. Some users have been advised that they will need to replace their console.

Error Code NP-102955-2

‘The account information is incorrect’ or Error Code NP-102955-2 may pop-up from time to time , so check your login information. If your login information doesn’t match Sony’s records, check you are using the correct email address and password. If you are sure all the information is correct and you still can’t log in, then contact customer services.

Summary of PS5 Error Codes

In the majority of cases many of a PS5 error code can be quickly fixed with a restart of the console or an update. In more severe cases you may have to contact PlayStation and their customer service department.

We hope that you have found this article useful. Please comment below with any error codes you have found yourself and possible fixes. Also, it would be great if you shared this article on social media to help others.


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