What to do if your Samsung TV’s red light is blinking 5 times


Samsung is one of the most reputable technology brands going. Anyone who has invested in a Samsung TV will surely be pleased with their purchase. But, as with many electronic items, things can go wrong from time to time.

Sitting down after a long day to watch a great TV show is something many people love to do. But, there’s nothing worse than attempting to relax and not being able to due to a technical hitch.

If you’ve ever experienced your Samsung TV red light blinking 5 times, then you aren’t alone. This is a common fault that many Samsung TV users may experience. This step-by-step guide should aid anyone who is experiencing the Samsung error to get their television working as normal.

From why the red light error occurs to how to fix it, let’s take a look at the Samsung TV ‘red light blinking 5 times’ error.

Samsung TV red light blinking 5 times https://elements.envato.com/watching-tv-close-up-D4LSSZJ
Envato Elements seventyfourimages – Samsung TV red light blinking 5 times

Samsung TV not turning on red light blinking 5 times

If the Samsung TV isn’t turning on, it’s, of course, much more difficult to troubleshoot the error.

In this instance, you’ll most likely need to have the television’s mainboard replaced. In order to do this, you may need to drop the TV to a Samsung collection point. Please contact Samsung via their online help service.

You can use Samsung’s Find An Authorised Service Partner tool to take the next steps in getting your TV fixed.

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How to fix the red light blinking error

In other cases, the TV may turn on, you may have picture or you may see a backlight but no picture on the TV screen.

If the television does turn on and was otherwise fully functioning before the red light blinking error, try checking the HDMI and power supply connections. An error with the TV can be something as simple as a faulty connection. Alternatively, the TV source may not be selected correctly. Try using the ‘AV’ button on the TV to scroll through each source until you reach the desired input.

However, if you’re still experiencing a blank screen and red lights blinking, it could be a more serious issue. If you’re confident with tech and fancy getting out a soldering iron, then there are ways to replace the motherboard and mainboard yourself, however, we wouldn’t advise doing this. It’s best to head over to Samsung’s Find An Authorised Service Partner tool and have a professional take a look at the TV.

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Samsung TV red light blinking 6 times

Whether it’s five or six times that the power light seems to be blinking on your TV, it often means that there is an issue with the power supply.

With any luck, it will be an exterior issue such as a loose cable, AV source or it could even be an HDMI hardware glitch. This occurs when the Samsung TV has issue turning on if a console such as an Xbox or PlayStation is plugged in. Try unplugging any exterior hardware and reboot the TV.

But, many times Samsung TV owners will find that the red light blinking error occurs due to a fault with the mainboard and therefore it’s often best to get the TV looked over by Samsung.

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