If Yahoo mail won’t login, you may be trying to access your emails while the server is down. When this happens, Yahoo functions will be unavailable.
Have you double checked that you are inputting your sign in credentials correctly?
Security settings on your browser can sometimes cause conflict with Yahoo mail which is why the program will block your access.
If you erase your cache files, or update app permissions, Yahoo mail should log in successfully.
We have generated this straightforward guide to help you understand why Yahoo mail won’t login, and provide you with easy fixes so you can get back into your emails without any further interferences.
Why can’t I log into my Yahoo mail?
Your Yahoo mail won’t login if you have not completed the added verification process after it has been enabled in your account settings. This will include the two-step authentication, on-demand password or the Yahoo account key. This step is important to complete if you are trying to log in to your mail without the Yahoo app.
Other reasons why Yahoo mail won’t login include;
1. Incorrect credentials
The use of the wrong sign in information will prevent you from gaining access to your Yahoo account.
You may be unintentionally using capitalization when you shouldn’t, or you input the wrong password or email account.
2. Insecure program or app
Yahoo will block you from logging in to your account if you request to sign in from a program or app that is not up to date with its security settings.
This is to ensure your email account does not get compromised from potential hackers or malware on your device.
3. Yahoo cache files
If you login to your Yahoo mail through your browser, cache files and cookies will download onto your device every time you launch the app.
Over time, these can become too full or corrupt.
4. No internet connection
Yahoo mail won’t login if you do not connect your device to an active network. The program is a online email service and is unable to operate offline.
5. App permissions
Specific to Android, if you do not grant Yahoo permission to open on your device, it won’t be able to log you into your account.
6. Yahoo server is down
If the Yahoo server is down, either for planned maintenance, or an unknown outage, its services will be unavailable.
Your request to sign in to your account will not get processed during this time.
Fortunately, you can check the Yahoo server status to confirm if Yahoo mail won’t login due to an issue from your device.
How do I fix Yahoo login problems?
Ensure you complete your additional sign in verification step to fix Yahoo mail from not logging you in to your account. If you no longer want to complete the two-step verification process, you can turn this added feature off from the settings section of your account. You can complete this by; Access Account Security page > Click on Manage beside ‘two-step verification’ > Turn Off.
The additional sign in method is beneficial for security reasons, and will help keep your Yahoo mail account secure.
Other steps you can take to resolve the Yahoo mail won’t login issue include;
1. Check your credentials
Make sure you are signing in to your Yahoo email account with the correct credentials you created when you first registered your account.
Be aware of using capitals and special characters.
If you cannot remember your details, update your password.
2. Update security settings
Make sure the device you use to sign in to your Yahoo mail account has up to date security settings.
This will stop your app or browser from flagging up as ‘Insecure’ on the Yahoo database.
3. Clear cache files
Erase cache files from your browser or Android device to free up storage space and get rid of any corrupt files that is causing Yahoo log in problems.
Once you clear these files, you will need to sign back in to your Yahoo account.
Note, if you are on iPhone, you will need to uninstall and reinstall Yahoo mail to delete the cache build up on your mobile.
4. Give Yahoo permissions
If you’re on Android, you may have not given the Yahoo app permission to open on your device and use your information.
Settings > Apps > Manage Apps > Yahoo > Permissions > Enable
Restart your device to refresh your Android’s updated settings.
How to secure Yahoo mail account
Enable the Yahoo mail two-step verification process on your account to ensure your account stays secure. This will prevent your email from being compromised, and make sure only you can log in to your profile. If you are concerned this step is not enough, you can complete an additional security measure.Â
Yahoo mail won’t login if your account password has been changed. If you have additional apps connected to your Yahoo account, you can remove these third party programs to help secure your Yahoo mail.
How to clear apps on your browser
Step 1. Open ‘Recent Activity’ from your account
Step 2. Click on ‘Apps Connected to Your Device’
Step 3. Select ‘Remove’ next to each one
How to clear apps on your mobile
Step 1. On your Yahoo app, click on the ‘Menu’ button’
Step 2. Click on ‘Manage Apps’ followed by ‘Account Info’
Step 3. Select ‘Recent Activity’
Step 4. Press ‘Apps Connected to Your Account’
You can now press ‘Remove’ next to the third party programs.
Yahoo account recovery
You can recover your Yahoo mail account if you have a mobile number or email address linked to your profile. If you have forgotten your password, you will be able to reset it with the use of one of your recovery options you have enabled. Yahoo mail gives you the option to add up to ten different email addresses.Â
It’s important to verify this information after you have added it to your details.
If you have tried to log into your Yahoo mail account with the wrong password, your account will get temporarily locked.
It will however, unlock after twelve hours.
Yahoo will lock your mail profile if it suspects your account is being compromised. This will get flagged when there is multiple requests to verify your details.
Your account will flag up from;
- A hidden IP address
- IP has changed multiple times
- Your account is trying to log in from many different locations in a short space of time
Make sure you choose a secure password, and do not share it with anyone else.
With this simple guide, we hope you now understand why Yahoo mail won’t login either on your browser or mobile device, and that you were able to gain access into your Yahoo profile again with one of the easy fixes we have provided.
If you still cannot log in to your Yahoo mail, we advise you contact the online email service directly. You can check out their online support page. Here, you have the option to speak to a live agent if you cannot find what you’re looking for.